Bahee Van de Bor

Paediatric dietitian

Education and qualifications

Bahee Van de Bor is an award-winning registered paediatric dietitian with over 16 years of clinical experience and runs She helps parents of children with cow's milk protein allergy, fussy eating and gastrointestinal conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome. Bahee has authored and published scientific articles and serves as a media spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association. Additionally, she is the Vice-Chair of the BDA Paediatric Dietitians Group and runs her own Kids Nutrition Podcast where she shares her expertise and insights on raising healthy and thriving children.

Articles by Bahee Van de Bor for Nutricia UK

Weaning with Cow’s Milk Allergy

Learn more about weaning with CMA through evidence-based guidance from Bahee van de Bor.

Read more
CMA support tool

Formula feeding

Learn about appropriate formulas for the dietary management of Cow's Milk Allergy, when required
